
... wouldn't it be a lovely headline: "life is beautiful" on the new york times ...

a packet of love letters:

dear rufus -
thank you for "want one" and reminding me tonight, of all nights, that it is capable to show sadness, melancholy and despair beautifully and full of life and passion.
thank you for getting better and releasing such a gorgeous album.
thank you for living now and not back in the '30s, the time for which a voice like yours was intended.
thank you for brass instruments, sweeping choruses and the fabulous rich use of harmony and minor keys.
thank you for writing "this album is dedicated to me."
thank you for the fairytale theme to your album art and making a fabulous vanquished (or, as i prefer to think, sleeping) launcelot.
thank you for "now upon a time ..."

dear staff and mangement of muddy's -
thank you for providing happy, relaxing moments of contentment, sipping java goodness from a hot paper cup while perusing employment and apartment classifides, giving me the opportunity to look forward to the near future with delight and anticipation.

dear john -
thank you for a huge smile, laugh of delight and a squeeze-me-tight-and-pick-me-up hug, one i have missed since graduation. thank you for the funniest phone number ever and the delight of having a chance to catch up soon. and thank you in advance for telling me all about pete yorn and rem (hint, hint).

dear rachel c. -
thank you for finally succuming to cancer so i could leave the show and go home.

dear random fellow traveler -
thank you for stopping your car and facing the rath of the long line of vehicles behind you so i could get back onto route 7 and head home.

dear howie -
thank you for "sunday morning drive."

dear jasonmraz -
thank you for continuing to make me laugh my arse off with "jesus bobezus" and the say anything game in "rand mcnally." and thank you for a reason to have a countdown to the end of The Streak.

dear deer -
thank you for showing that you possess the brains of your species by staying on the other side of the road and not attempting suicide by way of my car.

dear rush -
thank you for showing that karma does exist in the world by getting payback in spades for giving out my former boss' office phone number while i was still working there, thus leading to an overabundance of phone calls from irate republicans. take that, sucka ...

xoxoxoxox - vickie

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