
disappointing friday five ...

but nevertheless, here goes.

1. what vehicle do you drive?
i drive red - a hunter green (don't ask) 1992 saturn sl1.

2. how long have you had it?
i've had it since the august before my senior year of college - we celebrated our two-year anniversary this summer.

3. what is the coolest feature on your vehicle?
well, it used to be surfer bob, but obviously we know that that's no longer the case ... so i will say that currently it would have to be my cd player. simply because i think i would go crazy without it providing the soundtrack to my revelrous (i think i might have just created a word - i'm having a moment) journeys.

4. what is the most annoying thing about your vehicle?
my blasted window. the driver side window has a little glitch in the belt (the windows are electric), so when i lower or raise it, it catches in a couple of different spots. it simply requires some delicate maneuvering (driving while tugging at the glass - those well-versed in riding in my car now know just when to assist me in getting the window up. bwahahaha - my unknowingly trained passengers. first the window, next world domination.
the window was going to be fixed as a christmas present the year i got the car, but i was given the cd player instead. i can certainly deal with the window if i have musical goodness pouring out of the speakers ...

5. if money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now?
i've always been a sucker for jeep cherokees. black jeep cherokee laredo, to be precise. but i'm also keen on rav 4s and i enjoy honda civics (the little funny-looking hatchback ones, that is). and i feel an obligation to own a volkswagen at some point in my lifetime. i need to drive a car that has VW prominantly displayed on front and back of it - who needs a vanity plate when i have a whole bloody car named after me?

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