
boredom overtook me.

my apologies.

A - Act your age - despite how i appear, 22. actually, exactly one month away from the big 2-3. let the countdown begin.
B - Boyfriend - many. they just do not realize it yet. ;-)
C - Chore you hate - cleaning the shower
D - Dad's name - michael
E - Essential make up item - gloss/lipstick. dr. pepper lip smacker is da bomb.
F - Favorite actress - kate hudson and/or claire danes.
G - Gold or silver - good god, silver.
H - Hometown - proctor, vermont.
I - Instruments you play - trained in flute for eight years (fifth grade - end of high school). want to learn guitar but currently lack the time/tolerance.
J - Job title - managerial enforcer at the day job (otherwise known as "the bitch of the managers"), freelance writer at the night job.
K - Kids - i can't even spend a lot of time thinking about next week ... let alone terrifying concepts like children.
L - Living arrangements - hopefully changing. soon.
M - Mom's name - paula
N - Number of people you've slept with - let's pretend i'm a brazen hussy and say 97453
O - Overnight hospital stays - a young babe slept amidst the other newborns ... other than that, no overnight hospital stays to report. hospitals and i don't have much experience.
P - Phobia - bees/hornets.
Q - Quote you like - "oh, only left to myself, what a poet i would flay myself into." - sylvia plath
R - Religious affiliation - technically a non-practicing catholic, but i think we've established that i'm just going straight to hell to assume my responsibility of driving the shuttle bus down.
S - Sibling - one younger, 20-year-old brother.
T - Time you wake up? - lately, it's been far too early. my vampiric side weeps.
U - Unique habit - filling out lame quizzes/surveys. when i start to fall asleep at night, i must be facing the door. shortly before i fall asleep, i have to roll over away from the door. otherwise, i won't fall asleep.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat - to be honest, i can't think of one.
W - Worst habit - a habit that will be kicked.
X - X-rays you've had - besides dental x-rays, none.
Y - Yummy food you make - my pasta salad is divine.
Z - Zodiac Sign - scorpio with gemini rising.

Have you ever ..
{x} Fallen for your best friend?: yes
{x} Been rejected?: yes
{x} Been in love?: yes
{x} Been in lust?: yes
{x} Used someone?: yep.
{x} Been used?: "i was used! hey, i was uuuuused!" - american pie. oh, yes, by the way.
{x} Cheated on someone?: despite differing opinions at the time, no.
{x} Been cheated on?: good god was i foolish.
{x} Done something you regret?: if i knew then what i know now, yadda yadda. that record's already been spun, it's gotten me here.

last person you
{x} You touched? a hug for miss elizabeth outside applebees.
{x} You talked to?: i'm carrying on a half-conversation with my mother as i type this.
{x} You hugged?: uh ... miss elizabeth ...
{x} You instant messaged?: my brother.
{x} You kissed?: as the great wooly mammoth lumbered across the plain ... i can't remember.
{x} You yelled at?: my mother.
{x} You laughed with?: see above.

Have you/are you/do you....
{x} Considered a life of crime?: ???????? duh, of course i have. hasn't everyone?
{x} Considered being a hooker? despite the potential of a julia robers/richard gere liason (or at least a quick romp with hugh grant), oddly enough, no.
{x} Are you psycho?: i am slowly going crazy ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 switch ...
{x} Schizophrenic?: not that i'm aware of.
{x} Obsessive?: of course.
{x} Obsessive compulsive?: sometimes
{x} Anxiety?: frequently.
{x} Depressed?: happier now, thanks.
{x} Suicidal?: that's a big negative ghostrider.
{x} Obsessed with hate?: ???? can you be obsessed with hate? no thanks.
{x} Understanding: understanding of logical things, yes. but i do have a hard time understanding some of the crap people try explaining to me on a regular basis - as common sense and logic seem not to apply.
{x} Open-minded: i'd say so.
{x} Arrogant: alternately arrogant and incredibly insecure. balls of steel disappear into nothing at the blink of an eye.
{x} Insecure: oh whoops, answered it already.
{x} Hungry: i'm stuffed like a pre-thanksgiving turkey.
{x} Friendly: i believe so.
{x} Smart: i'm wicked smart.
{x} Moody: ok, i admit it. yes, i'm moody.
{x} Childish: of course - you have to be.
{x} Independent: don't oppress me, fucker. ;-)
{x} Hard working: if it's something i'm passionate about, i'll work it or myself to the bone. if it's something i'm not passionate about, i'll do it if i absolutely have to, but really, what's the point?
{x} Organized: hahahaha - creatively organized? note to self: clean my car/organize my life.
{x} Healthy: working on balancing out.
{x} Emotionally Stable: remarkably peppy as of late.
{x} Shy: extremely.
{x} Difficult: define "difficult" ... i'm actually pretty easygoing. but i'm also stubborn as hell and i do not forget.
{x} Attractive: it's hard to be attractive when one doesn't look a day over 18.
{x} Bored Easily: can be.
{x} Responsible: bwahahaha - i've fooled them all.

{x} Current Clothes: shorts and t-shirt for pjs.
{x} Current Taste: toothpaste
{x} Current Hair: disheveled
{x} Current Annoyance: union college being sold out.
{x} Current Smell: apple cinnamon tea.
{x} Current thing you ought to be doing: taking a shower so i can get my hair cut.
{x} Current Desktop Picture: mraz polaroid ("jasonmraz demonstration")
{x} Current Favorite Group: as in musical? group would be averi.
{x} Current Book: hitchiker's guide to the galaxy.
{x} Current DVD In Player: bend it like beckham. :-) finally.
{x} Current Refreshment: none.
{x} Current Worry: balancing out.
{x} Current Crush: howie day. again. ;-) and of course mraz.
{x} Current Favorite Celebrity: uh ... i miss george plimpton? in honor of his recent passing and the fact that he was a sweetheart when i met him at the office, i'll say him.

{x} Food: chipotle chicken fajita burrito. lament.
{x} Drink: iced coffee.
{x} Color: black/blue
{x} Shoes: adidas sambas/swinger shoes.
{x} Candy: sugar babies.
{x} Movie: there's no way i could chose one.
{x} Dance: the running man.
{x} Vegetable: broccoli.
{x} Fruit: apples.

On preferences...
{x} Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: coffee, please.
{x} bk or mcdonals?: chipotle.
{x} Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend?: i will now begin a policy of crossing out stupid questions.
{x} Sweet or sour?: depends.
{x} Root Beer or Dr. Pepper?: ew and ew. but yay for dr. pepper lip smacker.
{x} Sappy/action/comedy/horror?: and drama isn't listed why?
{x} Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese?: hmm ... i like both. probably nacho cheese edging out cool ranch, though.
{x} Mud or Jell-O wrestling?:
{x} With or without ice-cubes?: oh with, please. i'd be lost in europe.
{x} Shine or rain?: shine, although i love warm rain. especially walking at night in the warm rain.
{x} Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring?: this is best time of the year right here.
{x} Vanilla or Chocolate?: vanilla.
{x} Eyes open or closed?:
{x} Fly or breathe under water?: fly.
{x} Bunk-bed or waterbed?: waterbed would be interesting to try.
{x} Chewing gum or hard candy?: i'm a gum addict.
{x} Motor boat or sailboat?: i've never been on a sailboat. i want to try.
{x} Lights on or off?:
{x} Chicken or fish?: *clucking* chicken.

What's your favorite:
{x} Number?: in descending order of preference: 13, 28, 9.
{x} Holiday?: halloween.
{x} Place?: a club or theater, just before the show takes place. empty stage, lights on. standing/sitting in the audience gazing at the stage, feeling the buzz of anticipation pulse through me.
oh, you meant geographically. burlington, boston. adams morgan on a saturday night. ;-) on a new england highway or byway in early autumn.
{x} Flower?: pretty ones.
{x} Scent?: vanilla, cinammon.
{x} If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: conducting an interview.
{x} What are you listening to?: nothing. waiting for hd's 9.29 show to download.
{x} Can you do anything freakish with your body?: it's the amazing shrinking girl ...
{x} Do you have a favorite animal: kangaroos and wallabys.

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