
flashback ... a moment frozen in time ...

this evening, i found myself curious and decided to do some backtracking. a sort of "back in the day - this day" type of thing.

so someone, who shall remain sheepishly nameless, inadvertently partied like a rock star friday night...

i didn't intend to, it just sort of happened.

we used to joke in college about how the term "happy hour" is incredibly misleading--as it's actually "happy hours." well, friday night happy hours with everyone from work always turns into "happy night." we got out of work around 4. i stumbled into my apartment between 2 and 2:30.

fun times were had at buffalo billiards, dan's cafe, millie & al's and a random, mystery bar (long story and rather embarrassing). i had the opportunity to talk to some people i haven't chatted with in a bit and enjoyed drunken debauchery. apparently i made a phone call around 8:15 that i have absolutely no recollection of making...

i know i say this every week, but this time really hammered the point home for me: must eat something of substance on fridays--whether a more substantial lunch or something more than half an order of appetizer chicken fingers while drinking.

fun times at 203! :)

there's nothign like having a bunch of fun people around that make me happy. yay yay yay...

and, in other amusement, i found this ... i still cannot believe there were no hangover symptoms the next day:

i earned tonight.

so fucking fun. heaven, hell, and purgatory in the 3s. i'm not one to sit there and party just because eveyrone else is partying. i've been partying because i've earned the right to do so. and i'ev had a blast. i'd prefer to ignore what i've had to drink this evening, because it surprises/amazes me...we've done so well...

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