
Various & Sundry

My flatmates returned to Casa de Racca yesterday evening, laden with luggage and stories and digital photographs to share. It was surprising - almost a little jarring, but in a good way - to hear the apartment fill so quickly with voices other than my own. Admittedly, it had only been a week since they departed on their vacation, but it felt like much longer. Had it really only been seven days since coffeebreaks and conversation? Had I really been battling the out-of-memory DVR trying to record "Stargate SG-1" for only a week?

I smiled upon seeing photographs of Annapolis and sighed at the sight of Washington images.

(It really is a pity that I didn't appreciate DC while I was there to experience it.)

I tried to catch them up on what had been happening on the homefront during their adventures, but quickly realized there was little on which to report.

So we went out for Blizzards instead.

Back to normal.

In other news. I am looking for information from savvy New York residents or travelers. We are driving down to NY tomorrow. We want to park the car outside the city and take a train in. WHERE THE HELL SHOULD WE GO TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN?

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Updated: Plan set. No need for advice. Merci.

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