
This is what I'll do

This is what I'll do.

I'll write it, spell-check it, look over for glaring errors. I'll click "send" before I change my mind.

I won't mention how I am, what I'm doing or what I thought of lying on my back in the grass, trying not to stammer too much.

I won't mention the way my foot tapped out a rapid beat on the gas pedal as I drove up the highway with the phone to my ear and jitters in my stomach.

I will mention the basic details and offer the subtlest of encouragement.

I'll sign it. I'll send it. I'll leave it at that.

And you can do with it what you will.
Other news. I finally listened to the "t w e n t y t h r e e" version of Tristan's "Love, Love, Love." I wasn't sure what I would think of the studio version of one of my favorite TP live songs, but I actually really dig it. The sunshiney tone inherent in the song is really drawn out - waves and all.

For those who are either iTechnology-less like myself (I'm in such a small minority, aren't I?) or otherwise spend far too much time on myspace (also like myself), check out the song on Tristan's space.

Speaking of myspace - "Ghetto Blaster" on Bushwalla's space! LISTEN!

The Rilo Kiley Higher Ground show is available for download! Get it! Ah, that was a crazy, glorious weekend...

And, finally, I've spent much of the last two days rocking out to the live recording of DMB covering "Time of the Season" from the show Saturday. If you wade through the posts within this portion of Ants Marching, you'll find the track ready for download. It's groovy.

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