

My head is just somewhere else today.

It would be nice to say I've my head in the clouds, a smile on my lips and the world at my feet. That I'm walking about with a song in my step and all of the other cliched expressions that come to mind when one realizes one's focus was shot to hell before one even started.

Oh, how nice that would be.

I have to say I woke up late, tripped over a shoe and got shampoo in my eyes before pulling myself together enough to get to this chair, settle in and try to work through the daze and pull everything else together.

Somewhere along the way, perhaps in my fitful (unsuccessful) attempts at slumber last night, my mind decided to take a vacation. And now the rest of me is wondering why it can't do the same.

So I'll break it down into manageable bits. It is not Monday, much as it may seem that way. Tuesday. Today and tomorrow, then Glen Phillips' free outdoor show. Then one more day - either "Midsummer" in the forest or the drive to Massachusetts. Another Massachusetts weekend.

It's practically here already. Right?

God, I need coffee.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Regardless, just remember:

Right tree. Wrong branch.

I'll talk to you soon, see you this weekend.