
"I'm a ghetto blaster..."

OR Why I Trilled Upon Receiving a Package From Los Angeles

Question of the day:

Upon the acquisition of one Bushwalla's "Ghetto Blaster" four track, how many times will one V listen to the title track? The album was waiting in my mailbox upon my brief stop at home late yesterday afternoon, and I've had it in the car stereo ever since.

"Ghetto Blaster" and "Self-Depricating Hip Hop" have already become addicting. Therefore rendering the two albums I've been listening to most as of late (Elliott Smith's "Figure 8" and the Jay-Z/Linkin Park collaboration - how about that for an eclectic mix?) temporarily useless to me.

It was a double music coup kind of day, as I also wound up with a copy of Gregory Douglass' latest. I've yet to give it a listen (for obvious reasons), but I figure I'll give it a shot - see if it helps me figure out why GD has yet to click with my usually-singer-songwriter-friendly self.

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