
People, please. Do not pull this shit as I'm getting everything set to go to New York at the end of the week.

On a somewhat related, terrorism-free (that I know of) front, the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly focuses on "Mr. A-Z" for its lead music review. C+, if my memory serves me correctly (it has yet to go up on the EW site). The critic basically thinks Jason's too impressed with his wordsmithing, so he writes an incredibly clever review that (unintentionally? I can't be sure) collects J's quips and barbs and fires them right back at him.

My personal favorite is in response to the chorus on "Plane," to which he responds something like this (and I'm paraphrasing here): If the plane goes down, Jason, you're going to be screaming like a little girl, just like the rest of us.

From the perspective of pro-album people, it's a bad - as in unfavorable - review. But I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and my critic soul gave the author, Chris Willman, a very enthusiastic two thumbs up. It's not often that I'll burst into laughter - numerous times - while reading a music review. But this one was quite hilarious.

It'll be interesting to see what the people on RKOP will say, however, as any review that does not say how amazing/gifted/insightful (select all that apply) J is is immediately written off as "mean," "harsh" or "stupid."

My own personal take on the album? Still feeling it out (thank you, VH1, for the early listening opportunity), but I'm more inclined to agree with Mr. Willman at this point. But I'll wait until I actually have the album in my stereo to make up my mind for sure.

Otherwise? I enjoyed a self-imposed exile from most of the world this weekend. With an empty flat and a busy couple of weeks ahead, I relaxed. Slept without setting the alarm, cleaned and messed up the apartment, watched some movies, went running and the like. "Harry Potter" was finished Friday night, with portions reread on Saturday. For those yet to read it, fear not - I'll not give away spoilers. But I can say that I enjoyed it.

And finally. I dreamt last night that I ran into an ex-boyfriend I haven't seen in...what, almost four years? We had an enjoyable, if not slightly awkward short catch-up session. After walking away, I ran into a group of other acquaintances from those college days gone by and we made our way into a coffeeshop to sit and sip and speak. During said conversation, one remarked on how excited she was to attend E's wedding this weekend. I did a doubletake and asked her to repeat herself, which she did, adding "He saw you and he didn't even mention it to you? That's funny, it's being held over at (insert name of nearby church)."

The bizarre part was that I was really upset. Not necessarily that he was getting married, but that he didn't mention it to me when I asked, "So how are you? What's been going on?"

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