
you're so fucking money and you don't even know it

to think - i let a friday slip by without answering the friday five! who would have thunk it? time to remedy that situation ...

1. what's the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country?
it depends on what we are to consider traveling. i suppose the last place i traveled to, outside the two spheres provided by vermont and dc would be boston - for the great beth/vickie roadtrip and averi revelry. before that, boston and ashland for the fourth of july. before that? vegas, baby, vegas!!! (on a side note, i am currently watching "swingers" while i write ... amazing how long it's been since i saw this movie. it's one of my favorites from college - i used to have it on video, but it fell victim to one of those well-yeah-i-borrowed-it-but-then-so-and-so-borrowed-it-and-now-we-don't-know-where-it-is-so-i'm-sorry situations. note to self: buy the dvd.)

2. what's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while traveling?
besides the incredibly perfect fortune of winding up in the same general area as both leann rimes AND the morman tabernacle choir? probably the experience of observing my punked-out brother and his 15 minutes of fame on the streets of las vegas, particuarly on freemont.

3. if you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go?
it depends on a number of factors - primarily my mood at the time. it would probably be london, but it might also wind up being ireland, australia or the dream of a notion that is new zealand. on the u.s. front, i still want to get to the west coast - l.a. and san fran.

4. do you prefer traveling by plane, train or car?
de plane, de plane!!!

5. what's the next place on your list to visit?
hmm ... i don't really have anywhere on my list at the moment, as i'm busy figuring out what i need to do on the local front. i'd love to make a trip to new york for a weekend of fun ... any takers?

the fact that the following quiz exists just brings me joy.


Which Belle & Sebastian Song Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

back to "swingers" then sleep. go daddy-o ...

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