
... my brother and his hasidic jew stalkers: a love story OR captain ahab and the baffling blimpie's bathroom ...

confused yet? bwahahaha. traveling tales, amusing anecdotes and roadtripping revelry will follow tomorrow. for now, i will just assure everyone that all four members of the family managed to make it to fair chevy chase and back in one piece. i can't speak for my parents, as they were in the other car on both trips, but i know at least on the way back, my brother and i each might have lost copious amounts of our sanity and are expecting a complete crash from the sugar rush we've been experiencing all day, but at least we're back physically, right?

quick recap, to be explained further in the next day or so:

- stopping into the office was interesting. mostly good, but some people surprised me with their behaviors.
- i'm going to miss you, chloe and paul!!!!
- i'm going to miss aspects of dc, to be sure, but i'm also really looking forward to the challenges and excitement up ahead!!!!!

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