
... and before i forget (coffee at midnight = wired v)...

a couple housekeeping items i keep forgetting to take care of. first, the survey that was requested again, as my archives do not appear to be working (which i intend to correct) and someone who shall remain nameless (*cough* elizabeth *cough*) was looking for it so she could provide her exceptionally amusing and ... shall we say unique ... answers.

01: What is your first memory of me:
02: How long have we been friends:
03: Tell about one memory we share together:
04: Describe me in four adjectives:
05: If we could spend a day together what would we do:
06: Name one thing you really don't like about me:
07: Name one thing you really do like about me:
08: If you could give me a gift what would it be:
09: Have we ever gotten in a fight & about what:
10: Have we ever hugged or kissed:
11: Have we ever danced with eachother:
12: Have you ever seen me cry:
13: Have you ever seen me with my shirt off:
14: Have I ever offended you:
15: What is something embarassing that I've done:
16: What do I usually look like when you see me:
17: What do I say all the time \ whats my catch phrase:
18: Do you think we will be friends in 10 years:
19: Do you think I am honest:
20: Do you think I am bitchy:
21: Has there been anything you wanted to tell me, but didn't:

second - i made reference about a week ago to an amusing name/fortune program i found online. originally i had a rather long post showing some of the results provided by said program, but somehow the post was deleted. to clear up any confusion - and also to provide general amusement - i will now repost said results:


there we go.

and, on one final note, i have had the opportunity to listen to clips from howie day's upcoming album. i've been a bit out of the howie loop as of late (ok, i've been about as far out of the howie loop as one can possibly be), but i must say that what i've been hearing is absolutely phenomenal. i'm anxiously awaiting oct. 7 so i can pick up a copy of "stop all the world now" - i think people are going to be very pleasantly surprised (even those who believe he's best as a cover artist and appreciate his jeans more than his original music ... bwahahaha). check out clips at howiefan.com.

ok, i swear i'm working on my story now.