
the friday five

almost forgot ... hey, friday five on saturday - not too shabby, considering it's me:

1. when was the last time you laughed?
the last time i laughed out loud would have been about an hour and a half ago, as beth was jumping by my car squealing "JOHNMAYERJOHNMAYERJOHNMAYER!!!!" no, she has not gone off the deep end, she was mocking the hordes of pre-pubescent girls who descended upon the great woods (tweeter center, my ass) counting crows/mayer concert friday night.

2. who was the last person you had an argument with?
hmm ... for once, i can't recall the last argument i had. probably with my brother about something petty? nope, now that i think about it, it was more of a one-sided argument that i had with andrea at work last night. i say one-sided because i was the one being pissed off while she was completely oblivious and incompetent. no, this was no different than normal.

3. who was the last person you emailed?
one of my sources for the race story i'm working on. this needs to change. paul, expect email tomorrow. :-)

4. when was the last time you bathed?
many, many moons ago. i decided to truly embrace my vermont side by worshipping phish, not bathing and growing dreds. how about that for a fashion shift?

sarcasm aside, this is a foolish question. but for the sake of not angering the friday five gods, i will reply honestly that i bathed this morning. around 11 a.m., if you want exact answers (on a side note: there's something great about doing your work while relaxing in your pjs with a mug of coffee. ah ... i can't wait to write my novel.).

5. what was the last thing you ate?
an orange popsicle (popcicle? why is it that neither spelling seems right? ok, dictionary.com time. *pause* popsicle. i was right the first time. that teaches me to doubt my first instincts. random quote time - comment and name the movie: "he's teaching me to change my instincts ... or at least ignore them.").

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