
... sorry, wrong number ...

after work this afternoon, i was out and about for awhile. i stopped by irene's house to visit my favorite new invalid (ms. becca had an argument with her back today - at this moment in time, it appears that her back won said argument) and relaxed for awhile before heading into town to run some errands - including figuring out how to pull off an image of bohemian/artsy/professional/intelligent/hip/young/mature/ready for the journalistic world (you know, nothing difficult at all). after hitting the mall and a few other locations and stopping at the grocery store to pick up ingredients for dinner and treats for the family, fueling up my car and fueling up myself with a stop at the gas station/dunkies (iced coffee!!!) and arriving home around 6:30ish, i was in the process of making a big old batch of my famous-if-you-haven't-heard-of-it-it's-just-because-you-haven't-tried-it-yet-it's-really-yum pasta salad -- some for us and some for mary from work, who experienced the salad when my father took her to the races and has been raving about it ever since, so i figured i'd surprise her with a batch of it -- when the phone rang. mom was upstairs and asked me to grab the phone, as my father was outdoors, so i picked up the phone while chopping my onions and snowpeas and spoke into it. "hello?"

it was a male voice - sounded youngish, in his mid-twenties probably, certainly friendly. "hello, is victoria available?"

ooh, pleasant male voice asking for victoria? score for me ...

"this is she ..."

i then notice what sounds like cell phone-like crackling in the background. male voice starts speaking, but it sounds like he's stammering - no real words formed. was it that he was stammering or was the phone breaking up? before i can find out, the call ends. i'm assuming it was a call from a cell phone and mystery man lost signal or something.

but now i want to know who it was!!! i'm assuming it's related to one of my interview requests (note to self: call the two m's people and tell them i can't do the previews for their shows - *sniffle*), but i never got a call back, so now i'm left wondering who could have been on the other end of the convo.

i hate it when that happens!!!!!!

nevertheless. tomorrow i meet with the features editor. i'm looking forward to it. then i relax around burlington for a little bit, then return to southern vermont, hopefully giddy with the knowledge that a newspaper wants me.

think good thoughts for me, if you don't mind ... particularly between 11 a.m. and noon ...

oh, and congratulations to my brother, who now officially, put-the-money-down-moving-in-in-september has an apartment in the greater boston metro area ... he is incredibly excited about it and i'm thrilled for him ... and, i'll admit, i'm selfishly looking forward to excuses to check out the place and see what's going down in somerville, visit him and hit up boston!!!

speaking of boston - october 24. paradise. averi. who's down? it's a friday night, i plan to attend and i think it'll be a lot of fun. would people up here like to group up and head down? and would people from elsewhere - in particular one music-loving, adams morgan debauchery-experiencing, all-together kickass mamajahamba fella - be interested in the possiblity to visiting and experiencing averi for the first time? hmm???? :-)

just food for thought ... bwahahahaha.

alright kiddies, early morning tomorrow and the west wing is on now - the inauguration episode, no less. so i will now sit in front of my television and watch, laughing about walking by the trailers and trying to sneak a peek at anything while they were filming the exterior shots for this particular episode ...

beth told me to "break a typewriter or something" tomorrow. i love that my friends know to tell me to break a leg - or some journalistic deviation of said good wishes. i'll be doing my damndest to break a leg but not fall off the stage. ;-)

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