
*edited post*

if you happened upon this little space during the hour or so during which i had my original post here, you saw an exceptionally unprofessional post that was written shortly after dancing around the living room in glee and was followed by dancing around the kitchen in glee. following the squeals of "revelrevel!" i composed myself and returned to my sense of professionalism and confident delight over the prospect of a phone interview for a potential feature story.


i have two interview requests in that are possibilities, but uncertain, one more of a possibility than the other. but i'm optimistic nevertheless. i might not get an interview for the bigger one, but i'm going to write a concert review and submit that for consideration and i might get hooked up with some press goodies for that purpose.

and, to my delight, i have an interview lined up for this week with guster, as they will be at the flynn at the end of september and i want to write a preview and hopefully (if i can get the day off, which i think should be possible) a review of the show.

i am currently researching (read: listening to "keep it together" - thanks for letting me temporarily kidnap it, beth! - and doing some digging online for interview questions. and i am filled with enthusiasm and adrenaline - god i've missed this!

i hope A) the paper wants these stories (if they don't want them, i get to call back a whole lot of people and explain that i need to withdraw the interview requests - and that's just no fun, now is it?), B) this leads to what i want it to and C) i don't get in trouble with the ethics committee at my current job. i should really email my supervisors to give them a heads up - but i'm offering to currently do this either for free (kind of like a trial offer, as techically, i can't accept monetary payment anyway and i figure it's more likely for them to run it if they like it) or if, in lieu of payment, the newspaper can make a donation to the ronald mcdonald house. at the moment, i feel rather bad, as paul's email inbox is peppered with emails from yours truly with "and can you tell them i'm trying to do this and this and this" messages and a draft of my review from the production of "picasso at the lapin agile" i attended in montpelier saturday night (i should clarify - meaning paul my former college newspaper advisor/saving grace - dc paul will have email from me in his inbox as well, though!!! haha). as well, the editor of the arts section has a voicemail from yours truly waiting for her - if nothing else, they'll see that i'm driven and persistent, eh?

this is fun. :-)

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