
friday ... saturday ... it's all relative ...

quick friday five responses before bed:

1. how much time do you spend online each day?
really, not all that much at all anymore. just time to check email, blog and occasionally look up some things, whether it be music, news, etc. i'd wind up averaging maybe an hour a day, if that. probably more like 40 minutes.

2. what is your browser homepage set to?
i'm lazy and never customized it - just the adelphia homepage.

3. do you use any instant messaging programs? if so, which one(s)?
IM on occasion.

4. where was your first webpage located?
technically, my first page was hosted on the smc personalweb space. i actually had a blog of sorts before i even knew what they were - i just wrote dated entries and whatnot. but after a coworker at user support got into my site and modified one of the journal entries, i chose to get rid of it - somewhere i have printed copies of all of the entries.

5. how long have you had your current website?
a little over two years now - scary. before that, i had two others - i've been blogging for over two and a half years now. the first was guppies, which became madder rain before revelry was born.

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