
random dopey revelry

there are moments when i get completely and utterly sappy - some embarrassing (i admit it, i don't know why, but i still cry each time i see "the little mermaid" and "mystery, alaska" - each movies where the vast majority of the movie-viewing population didn't cry the first, or ANY, time they saw it) and some just plain random.

one of the latter came to me tonight, as i drove home from chuckie d's. driving in my car, a live jason mraz show keeping me energized, i realized that i was happy. the cool night was hinting at the autumn to come and i was happily cozy in a fleece, the window slightly cracked so the breeze was on my face while the heater kept the rest of me warm. the night sky was clear while the lack of streetlights allowed the stars to spread out above and in front of me. i was singing along with the music, a hot cup of coffee in my hand, having just left a campfire, great friends and hugs. an assignment was waiting for me at home, the information there and the framework of the story already written. the anticipation of seeing friends in dc giving me an additional sense of excitement while knowing i would have friends awaiting my return. the happiness of realizing that my group of close friends are all finding success and happiness in their given fields, the excitement of the unknown ahead of me bolstered by the confidence that that unknown will turn into further happiness and success.

receiving an email earlier in the day and realizing that things that used to phase me (i.e. the stress of a job i wasn't happy with, the feeling that i should strive to further myself in that career route when everything in my body and soul told me to break away from it because it wasn't what i wanted) have faded into the background of what used to be. knowing that there are elements of that lifestyle that i will miss a great deal (hi chloe & paul!), but that those elements will still be there for me as i take these next steps towards what i want out of life.

it all came together to form the realization that i'm happy. and it feels so good to be able to say that.

"it's when you cry just a little, but you laugh in the middle, that you've made it." - jason mraz

i feel as if i've gone beyond the tears and i'm in the laughter.

like i said, sappiness. but sappiness is good sometimes, in my humble opinion.

ok, enough rambling. i've got a story to finish.

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