
there was a lot of nervous anticipation as the d.c. area prepared for rush hour this morning, as the last time there was a sniper attack, it was during rush hour friday. i'll admit that i'm being more cautious as of late (hey, i'd rather be a little cautious and not, you know, get shot and all), so i was careful on my way in to work this morning.

lo and behold, now it's 8:55 a.m. and there is breaking news about a 13-year-old kid in montgomery county being shot this morning. they don't know if it's related to the sniper spree, but the fact remains that whether this is the latest in this series of attacks or not, the police were right about warning people today and anticipating something during rush hour...this is just ridiculous. this person/these people need to be caught now.

the weekend was quite enjoyable, i must say. i resisted the tempation to go out friday night and made it a blockbuster night without actually watching the movie (whoops). so i have a couple of days left to see "broadcast news". it was great to get home from work, go running, and then curl up on my bed and watch television and otherwise do nothing of significance. i was exhusted after such a long day at work.

went to the ancient egypt exhibiit at the smithsonian saturday afternoon, as the exhibit is wrapping up there. there were a few years in my childhood during which i planned to be an archeologist when i grew up and ancient egypt has always been a particular thrill, so the artifacts there were amazing to see. unfortunately, saturday afternoon is not the best time to go to the museum if you want to really be able to get up close to the items on display--each time i'd try to get closer to read a display marker, either a small child or a senior citizen would pop up in front of me. but the experience of being there was well worth the crowd.

saturday night was spent roaming adams morgan. started out at millie & al's, moved to dan's cafe (where i finally partook in the flask special--malibu & orange was so good). a jumbo slice was consumed before moving down to dupont to hit up front page. an enjoyable night of drunken debauchery was had.

on sunday, i decided that it was time to push myself with the whole running thing. most of the time, i'm simply happy with myself for being motivated enough to go running, so i'll run about a mile and a half or whatnot--and a couple of times i'll push myself to hit two miles. i decided that, for yesterday's endeavor, i would treat myself to the new coldplay album if i ran two miles (that would be twenty minutes of running at a 10-minute mile pace plus five minutes of cooldown).

for the first time in a really loooooong time, i got the runner's high and felt absolutely fantastic. so i pushed myself for an additional half mile. and, later in the afternoon, bought "rush of blood to the head." absolutely brilliant album--my favorite tracks thus far are "god put a smile upon your face," "the scientist," and "green eyes"--although each track is chock full of yummy coldplay goodness.

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