
senate approves iraq war resolution

*insert scooby doo-style "ruh-rho" here*

i have a feeling that i'm going to be earning my holiday weekend in vermont...

fun times last night. either my tolerance has gone down (unlikely) or something was up with me last night, because after one normal sized vodka cranberry and one basil special (read: in a pint glass), i was nice and buzzing. stopped at chipotle on the way home and picked up the much-anticipated c.f.b., which was consumed during much-anticipated must see tv. good times were had by all.

as i packed my bag for the vermont trip last night, i had the brilliant idea of waking up super early so i could go running before work today (since i took yesterday off and might not have a chance to go running this weekend if it's too cold outside). after a restless night sleep, the alarm goes off at 5:10 and i wake up, get into workout gear and head over to the gym. while i don't plan to make a habit of waking up that bloody early on a regular basis, i'm nice and energized as i sit here at my desk. and proud of myself for being motivated enough to drag myself out of my nice comfortable bed...go me.

but lugging around my roll-on bag in the rain sucked. not a fan of this whole rain thing today.

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