
so someone, who shall remain sheepishly nameless, inadvertently partied like a rock star friday night...

i didn't intend to, it just sort of happened.

we used to joke in college about how the term "happy hour" is incredibly misleading--as it's actually "happy hours." well, friday night happy hours with everyone from work always turns into "happy night." we got out of work around 4. i stumbled into my apartment between 2 and 2:30.

fun times were had at buffalo billiards, dan's cafe, millie & al's and a random, mystery bar (long story and rather embarrassing). i had the opportunity to talk to some people i haven't chatted with in a bit and enjoyed drunken debauchery. apparently i made a phone call around 8:15 that i have absolutely no recollection of making...

i know i say this every week, but this time really hammered the point home for me: must eat something of substance on fridays--whether a more substantial lunch or something more than half an order of appetizer chicken fingers while drinking.

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