
i'm going out to lunch in a few minutes and then will be going out to dinner this evening.

this lunch thing, however, proves remarkably frustrating. what do i order? i should order something other than a salad, yet if i order something too substantial, i'll be stuffed for dinner. not to mention the financial things to consider--i don't want to blow all my money on food for today. plus i've gotten used to eating smaller meals and have a feeling i'm going to feel like i ate my weight in food today.

and, besides hoping against hope that i don't wind up finding a whole new way to relate to mayer's "my stupid mouth", there's the fact that i don't usually go "out to lunch." it's an odd event to be preparing for--one that i don't really know how TO prepare for.

and there's always the fact that i have tendancies of being...well...let's just say overdramatic about things like this. so i'm all jittery. and probably for no reason at all--it'll just be a fun meal. a chance to get out of the office for a little while and engage in fun conversation.

oh good lord i am such a moron sometimes.

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