
ok, i've made it a month without giving into the temptation, but i just don't think i can fight it anymore.

i need to buy myself a cd. but what one do i choose? i am turning to you, my loyal readership--music purchasing is turning interactive.

if i do allow myself a slight indulgence of the musical variety, should it be coldplay's "a rush of blood to the head", ryan adams' "gold", beck's "sea change" or hold off until david gray's new album comes out on the fifth? comment and leave your choice. or, if there's something else you've heard that you think i'd like, leave me the name of that. :)

in other news, i feel like i'm wasting the time and energy to even comment on this, but i feel i must--after "road rules" (*cough* treschelle's a whore! *cough*) last night, i watched "making the video: christina aguilera's 'dirrty'". christina--x tina--whatever she calls herself now--is provides a glimpse into her true personality, showing what she's like when she breaks down the pop music machine. it's all her, how she's always been, etc. etc. etc.

trash, filth, tackiness. not even very good music--which is a shame because she's got a great voice. but the video? why would she sing about taking off her clothes when she has no clothes on when the video begins?

i find it amusing to see that the former pop queens (christina, britney and the like) are going through this whole "rebel against the standard and show what i'm really like" phase. but what's hilarious is that while they used to be far too similar as the pop queen stereotype, their "real selves" are almost exactly alike as well. look at the mtv video awards--both of them suddenly had this street flavor mixed into their manner of speech. they obviously got a thrill from being able to say mild curses like "hell" and give the impression that they are real badasses. and i'm sitting at home watching them laughing my ass off. i'm sure it must be very difficult to grow up and try to figure out who you are when you're in the public spotlight and all...but does finding yourself have to be so extreme? i'm trying to figure out who i am, but you don't find me trying to keep it real, ghetto-style...is this why i'm not famous?

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