
iso: advil

status check - headachy
background ambiance - oval opus

i came across this because someone else was in the throes of packing and decided to procrastinate. in honor of memorial day/weekend movers everywhere, i continue the thread. i've done more than enough packing today.
1) using band names, spell out your name
rilo kiley

2) have you ever had a song written about you? no
3) what song makes you cry? hallelujah (jbuckley's rendition)
4) what song makes you happy? anything jason mraz. although i should note that today i wound up feeling slightly better after singing along to "here i go again" at the top of my lungs - ala matty nay. but i whipped my head around, which made it hurt again. whoops.
5) what do you like to listen to before bed? my "journey to dreamland" soundtrack.

a p p e a r a n c e

height: 5'5 1/2. i've been told that half inch is important to note.
hair: blonde and growing. almost four months no cut. i'm amazed.
skin color: in need of more sunshine.
eye color: blue. darker blue than normal today.
piercings: ears.
tattoos: none.

r i g h t n o w

what color pants are you wearing?: dark jeans
what are you listening to?: oval opus
what taste is in your mouth?: diet sunkist
what's the weather like?: it feels warmer tonight than it did today.
how are you?: self-inflicted headache (see previous post) and tired. grumpy after packing all day.
get motion sickness?: no.
have a bad habit?: several i'm in the process of quitting (that makes it sound so much worse than reality. c'est la vie.)
get along with your parents?: yes, and better the older i get.
Like to drive?: so much i can't even tell you.
conditioner: suave intensives or something like that - using up the bottle pre-move.
book: just finished "the second assistant," getting ready to dive into orson welles.
non alcoholic drink: iced coffee
alcoholic drink: vodka cran.
thing to do on the weekend: anything but pack? generally, road trip and/or catch a concert. and spend time outside.

h a v e y o u

broken the law: i'm a badass.
ran away from home: does college count?
snuck out of the house: never had to sneak.
ever gone skinny dipping: nope.
made a prank phone call: yes, although the best was when i made a real call to college security and they thought i was pranking.
ever tipped over a porta potty: that's absolutely wretched.
used your parents' credit card before: for many a concert ticket, most recently mraz.
skipped school before: "it'll be a pleasure to have you in class." "it'll be a pleasure to BE in class."
fell asleep in the shower/bath: nope.
been in a school play: did i mention my collegiate theater concentration? with a british accent, no less. take that, bee-atch.

l o v e

significant other: nope.
sexuality: i love dorky fellows.
children: the other day i realized i wanted at least one little girl - i wanted to be able to share the wonders of judy blume, ronald dahl and the "ramona" series. it was rather unnerving.
current crush: i'm sick of having stupid crushes.
been in love: nope.
had a hard time getting over someone: story of my life.
your greatest regret: all things considered, none.
gone out with someone you only knew for three days: gone out? does actf count ("everyone has an actf story")? if so, yes.

r a n d o m

do you have a job: i'm a lois lane type.
your cd player has in it right now: decent exposure, vol. iii
if you were a crayon what color would you be?: goldenrod
what makes you happy: writing, music, theater.
who makes you happiest: ...
what's the next cd you're gonna get?: i know i'll pick up cds between now and then, but i'm looking forward to new rilo kiley (late july) and live mraz (august).

w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t

time you cried: i don't cry much anymore. but when i did, i was sick, exhausted at work and learned of the first real problems with psycho landlord.
you got a real letter?: uh ... yeah, y'all should work on that sending me mail bit ...
you got e-mail: about an hour ago.
thing you purchased: gum.
tv program you watched: can't even recall.
movie you saw in the theater: raising hellen.

y o u r t h o u g h t s o n

abortion: pro-choice.
teenage smoking: happens.
dreams: essential.
this survey: for procrastination purposes only.

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