
inside the mind of a journalista

status check - productive
background ambiance - typical office banter

what a random, busy (thus far) kind of day. i knew i would be pushing my productivity limits, as i entered the office fully aware that i had two stories i needed to get done ASAP, one that i wanted to get most of the information for today so i could finish writing tomorrow.

ready, set - GO! our heroine starts a flurry of writing, taking occasional stops for the necessities - you know, breathing and all. first story was (finally) finished by the end of my first hour. filed the second story a little less than an hour ago. three of my key interviews for the final story are done, so i can start writing tonight, polish and add a bit more tomorrow. crazy to think i'm actually getting it all done.

courtesy of FF (fabulous flatmate) and starbucks, i'm also riding a caffeine wave. caramel caffeinated goodness and laughter - makes for an energized me.

i've been amused by my chatty interviews lately. i'm a shy girl by nature (which i've been working on, being a journalist and all), and sometimes have a difficult time casually conversing with people during an interview. particularly phone. don't ask me why, i have no clue.

but lately, they've been coming so much easier. today i discussed the wonders of san diego (which that interview knew from experience and i simply know from my dreams), as well as discussing iota with another. i've been chatting away all day, getting some great stuff for the stories and having fun with the conversations at the same time. win-win.

it helps take my mind off the fact that i would probably kill right now for the chance to hop on a plane, head to dc and hit up the dar show with paul tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

i got caught with the glass of evil corporate yumminess. ACK!!!

Victoria said...

and you enjoyed


Victoria said...

what? you were drinking starbucks? that's so unamerican! and i am one goddamn, pissed off, motherfucking AMERICAN!!!

i don't know if i can continue to live in the same apartment as you.

oh wait - i had it too? oh shit, i'm screwed ...