
oy. or ugh. either way, i need a hug.

status check - bone-weary tired
background ambiance - rilo kiley - "with arms outstretched"

this morning, i sat in a seat among people i'd never normally be around* - teachers, teachers and more teachers - to listen to my former boss give a keynote address. i thought it would be funny and tricksy of me to go with one of my teacher friends and actually take advantage of that "open to the public" caveat they always stick on at the end of event announcements - but never expect to have to put into effect.

turns out my former bossman proved even tricksier. because as i'm sitting there, playing teacher girl and whatnot, he starts talking about the game last night and specifically mentions that he's not sure if anyone read (insert my nickname and last name)'s story in the paper today, but ...

it was like dozing off in a class and jolting awake because the professor calls on you to answer a question. just freakishly unexpected. why the hell would my name come up at a teachers' convention? becca laughed that she's never seen my face that red in all the years she's known me.

had to call him on it after he spoke - it was great to be able to say hello and laugh with the fellow. i know i'm biased (as one will often be after working oneself silly for someone else), but the bossman (who will always be referred to as the bossman, even when it's been decades since i worked for him)is simply the best.

but now ... so tired. want to sleep. until next tuesday. three hours left ... i can make it.

i think.

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