
curse - reversed.

status check - in shock
background ambiance - tv (sportscenter)

i know it may seem foolish. overdramatic. sappy.

i don't care.

the one team i have loved my entire life just won the world series. the one team that is NEVER supposed to win.

i'm alternately elated and dumbfounded. it doesn't seem like it actually happened - that i was actually covering the burlington celebration that followed. that i was able to call my father and yell "how bout dem red sox?"

it's the first time the sox have won a world series in my life and either of my parent's lives. the first time in my grandmother's life. my other three grandparents lived and died without a series win.

i'm almost afraid to go to sleep because i fear that i'll wake up and realize tonight was just a dream.

i don't think boston will have ever looked quite as beautiful as it will when i see it this weekend.

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