
so yesterday, so yesterday ...

ah, the random mismash of fun i can relay this frigidly cold evening in southern vermont. this is the kind of day that i love - one where i find myself laughing constantly, i feel the positive aftermath of working on my body and the successful feeling of working on ... well, my work.

the victoria definition of a great friend: one with whom you can just laugh and find the humor out of any situation, whether focused on a relevant task/topic or not. depending on how you want to view this evening, elizabeth and i were certainly focused ... whether you want to regard it as relevant or not is up to you. confused yet? well, sign up for friendster and do some searching, baby ... i think beth was right in stating that it is a good thing it wasn't around when we were in college. far too much amusement for one's scholastically-minded own good ...

i should also provide some clarification about the reason why i first became a fan of howie day. certain parties have raised claims that it was strictly because my young (19-year-old - good god, has it already almost been four years???) impressionable self was intrigued by an attractive singer-songwriter.

well, i'll admit it. the reason why i stuck around for howie's performance at the coffeehouse was because he could play guitar, sing, was attractive and - most importantly at the time - i thought he was british.

now for the new howie fan, i should provide some backstory. during howie's early touring years, he would deal with the potential awkwardness of stage banter by offering his name between songs. "hi, my name is howie day and i'm from ..." and you could fill in the blanks, pretty much. iceland, france, australia, new zealand and, the first time i fell victim, england. i had gotten to the show a little late and, after the first song i heard him sing, he said with a british accent, "hi, my name is howie day and i'm from london." so my english-accent-loving self stuck around and realized i'd fallen for the joke a few songs later when he said he was howie day and he was from new zealand.

after a great set - and after a now embarrassing exchange after i decided to talk to him about "she says" - i picked up a copy of his blue sampler and have been hooked ever since.

in conclusion, then, i admit - i started listening because i thought he was british. OK?!?! ;)

in other news - i figured it was only fair to offer a plug to check out syd's site because he made reference to - and posted in the press section - the first night review. "We just got a great review of our show in Burlington, VT on New Year's, check that out."

well, that's because it was a great show. i report what i find. and may i repeat for my readers, whoever you are, that syd was great. i highly recommend checking him out. and, for our ani fans, i should add that i discovered yesterday that one of the live cds i picked up includes an amazing cover of "both hands" that i absolutely love ...

goodness me, i'm still laughing about everything tonight. time to warm up, relax and ultimately get some sleep ...

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