
never ceases to amuse ...

what a literary delight for my eyes this morning! to what do i refer? let's ponder that for a few and then come back to the logical conclusion: new journal entry.

besides the fact that i have serious issues with the manner in which he disqualified new england from the great cold contest because of the wind chill factor (how i would love to extend to mr. mraz a personal invitation to get through three days of the cold up here - then he can tell me about how the wind chill doesn't count - ha!), his writing again impresses and amuses.

I’ll start by telling you how much I enjoyed the MTV/TRL experience.


I know that sounds weird to some of you

indeed ...

but allow me to explain. I did that show for the main reason that I want to be a VJ. Not a regular one that hosts a show like TRL, but a guest VJ who takes you on a journey from 1 to 20 in a classic countdown series, or what I’d enjoy the most, being one of those correspondents from the road in this year’s presidential election.

that's what i wanted my mtv job to be, bitch. back off. ;)

I’ve got my Nick Drake play-list kicking in my headphones and Hazy Jane II just came on. What a great song. If you’ve never heard it I highly recommend you rush out this weekend and pick up a copy of Bryter Layter. If you need another reason other than my seated smooth moves, the Hazey Jane inspired The Boy’s Gone. Another great Nick drake song that’s always appropriately mentioned is Saturday Sun. I think I can see it now. God bless you Nick. Rest in peace.

amen to that. i was just discussing nick drake on sunday and started listening to him for the first time in ages shortly thereafter. great minds, man ...

and, in the last bit of amusement:

I’ll leave you with my own secret special recipe for hot chocolate to enjoy during this miserable visible breath time of our lives.


Ingredients: Swiss Miss Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa Mix

Conventional Preparation: Empty contents of envelope into a cup. Gradually stir 6 oz. (3/4 cup) hot (not boiling) water into mix.

Microwave Preparation: Empty contents of envelope into cup. In a separate microwave container, heat 6 oz. (3/4 cup) water about 1 1/2 minutes or until hot, but not boiling. Gradually stir hot water into mix.

For Best Results: Do not eat bull balls

and add a dollop of fluff to top it off. i was cracking up as i read it, recalling my first mugs of hot cocoa in well over a year, consumed saturday as we wished for spring ...

i'm off to run some errands, but when i return, i will find the link to the "morning theft" cover - i actually have to give it another try myself, as it would not let me decode the .shn to .wav last night ... wish me luck!

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