
back in the hunt.

tomorrow i will be enjoying a lovely training session of how to cover disaster, death and distruction - while it's always helpful to learn from experts about how to cover potentially tricky subjects, it's not exactly the feel-good session of the year ... but i'm looking forward to it nevertheless. armed with some resumes, i intend to storm that place and sell myself (in the prospective job way, not the prostitute way). we shall see what happens ...

i should be preparing for sleep but am instead preparing to tune up my resume and then watch letterman ... howie's performing and i find it somewhat fitting that i should watch it, as by the time his taped segment plays, it will be after midnight, therefore january 15, therefore his 23rd birthday.

i have this thing about birthdays. it takes forever for me to wind up remembering when someone has a birthday, but once i get it into my mind, i rarely forget. i still remember that my friend megean from the middleton days (i moved to vermont when i was five) celebrated her birthday on july 17. don't know why i keep that bit of unnecessary info in the abyss of my mind, but it has simply never left me.

phone numbers tend to be the same way, although not as persistent. i also remember the phone number to my middleton house. but that also is due, i believe, to the fact that it consisted of three different numbers, each of which was on the same column of the keypad. i used to love pretending to dial it as a youngster.

i meant to comment awhile ago about the fact that my musical clone was revealed to me a few days ago ... while talking to me on the phone, beth was perusing the wares on sale at amazon.com, where she came across one of those recommendation lists. you know, someone takes the time to list a whole bunch of cds, books, etc. they particularly enjoy. i think i made a couple back in college, but haven't in ages.

if i were to try to, however, the list beth came across would be a near clone. i can't remember who wrote it, but i wound up finding it by typing in "matt nathanson" into the music selection. there are two posted, one albums, the other singer-songwriter types. check it out. there were only a couple of albums that i don't love, one of which (sondre lerche) i want to listen to, but simply haven't gotten my hands on the album yet. it was rather eerie, really. check it out, be amazed.

speaking of not being able to find things ... i've been searching everywhere for the "mystery white boy" dvd. i can't find it. anyone know of any stores with it in stock?

on a final note before i turn to resume madness ... rilo kiley. 1.20.04, as in next tuesday. middlebury. i think i'm making the trip. any partners in crime?

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