
oh how easily i'm amused in life

britney spears marries childhood friend - ok, i obviously know very little about this. but i do know that if you get married - in vegas - at 5:30 a.m., if you're not drunk, you're certainly on something ... and you can't be a "little stunned" that you got married. you did, after all, go through the whole ceremony and all ... bwahaha. i should note, however, that i heard bits and pieces of "in the zone" this weekend and did enjoy it - more than i expected to. it's certainly a good dance album.

friday five:
what one thing are you most looking forward to . . .

1. ...today?
sex & the city at 9 p.m. about damn time. :-)

2. ...over the next week? hearing about the job situation.

3. ...this year? establishing myself as a journalist. as well as the countless good concerts and events to come. memories are to be made in 2k4, i believe ...

4. ...over the next five years? seeing where life takes me. exploring the highways and byways of my future.

5. ...for the rest of your life? happy times, laughter, friends, good music and love.

i will now look forward to "sex & the city" (side note: bought season three today -- is there anywhere around me that sells season one???) while burning to disc the 10.09.03 mraz show from northampton. good times ...

weekend recap (including what is probably the world's first hangover exchange) to follow ...

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