
... waiting ...

... waiting ...

good news.

i called my editor during my break at work today to see if everything worked out with the That Guy chronicles. i was more than a little nervous, to be completely honest - i'm always nervous about what might be wrong with submitted work, but i was even more so when i thought about how it was my first professional entertainment piece and certainly a step away from the typical work i've had published, as far as tone and style goes.

but she said she really enjoyed the piece and was impressed with what i'd done, both in respect to the actual writing and the process of getting out there and running all over town for three nights. she gave me a great deal of praise and told me that she's looking forward to seeing it in print tomorrow - and she's looking forward to speaking with me tomorrow about this coming weekend's story.

huge sigh of relief! now i wait to see how it looks in print - not to mention to see what they come up with for a headline ... that alone will be interesting. hehehehe.

jitters ...

in other news. after a ridiculously long day at work today, i came home and attempted to do a bit of work on my preview story, but once again am finding no luck getting in touch with some coaches. i think i'm going to leave messages threatening to write that they're expected to lose horribly to their school rivals. ;-)

as there was little i could do without, well, being able to reach anyone, i decided to take the evening and relax. my mother and i made a fabulous dinner and then took it easy until the weekly viewing of "sex and the city," which featured an adorable exchange between smith and samantha that i loved. concerning handholding, smith said something along the lines of, "i like you. you like me. so let's just cut through the bullshit. hold my hand."

it was incredibly sweet. i still maintain that samantha will be the other singleton to marry.

what else? i'm attempting to download a show off etree.org as i write this - so far so good (knock on wood). it's been so long since i downloaded a concert - i haven't attempted since the smc days with ftp servers. while i'm not using ftp this time, which slows down the process ridiculously, i figure i'll see what happens.

by the way, i checked out breaking laces' website and really enjoyed what i heard ... i recommend taking a listen. i plan on finding some mp3s to download and stopping by pure pop once i head up to burlington again to pick up the album (i'm assuming they'd have it in their let's-make-vickie-squeal-with-delight indie section ...)

and, to be filed under either "can we have empty nest syndrome again?" or "general amusement" ... my mother was discussing the upcoming weekend, as i was outlining what i think my schedule will be like as far as my writing goes, mentioning that on sunday, perhaps we could head up to burlington and wander about before heading down to albany to pick up my father at the airport.

obviously, i'm all about any trips to burlington - but i think the idea is two-fold in my mother's mind. spend some quality time without the pressures of work and general daily responsibilities, but also to encourage me to settle up there soon ...

ha, as if i need encouraging.

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