
back to basics ... looking ahead ...

quick vicbits:

reality tv provides many, many guilty pleasures for yours truly, but there is nothing quite as satisfying on television as a good, gripping episode of my staple favorite show, "the west wing."

ah ... it's good again. this brings me great pleasure.

my body is feeling the good ache of exercise - as i began to get back into shape yesterday. this also brings me great pleasure.

the next few days will involve little sleep ... but in a good way, all things considered. tomorrow i work, followed by my now-customary trip to burlington for three bits of notebook nightlife coverage: rembrandt, richard shindell and dave ralph. i'm ignoring the reality of the situation for as long as i can: that being that i work at 6 a.m. friday. um ... yeah.

guster friday night. hurrah! i'm incredibly excited. guster + flynn = very very good times.

waiting to hear about other news ... in several different, yet somewhat connected, areas, actually ...

ok, sleep is necessary. 4:15 will come far too quickly ...

paying my dues, paying my dues ...

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