
... two years later ...

... two years later ...

i feel the need to comment on the day, as it is september 11, afterall. but i'm exhausted and still not feeling overly well, so i think i'm just going to curl up in bed and drift off to my dreams. i will comment this weekend on the whole september 11 thing, i reckon. but until then, comments made during this week in september one year ago and two years ago.

tomorrow i work and then head to burlington for the south end art hop to work again. funfunfun ... i hope, anyway. i hope the day is better than today, at least. i remain sure that it will be.

i believe i might have a story running tomorrow, but i'm not sure. i'm about 83.75% sure that it will be in there. the preview, nothing major. just glad to have it out of my hands ...

and i'm torn. while i know i should buy neither, i'm fighting the urge to buy one of the following items - hilarious, "yeah right victoria whatever" gear or cbgb's wear i've always wanted. damn feeling of entitlement - "i work hard, why not be fun and treat myself, right?"

it's lame, it's girlie, but i don't care - someone talk me out of it or, if not, give advice ...

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