

T.S. Eliot said "I measure out my life with coffee spoons." One could track my life as of late by following the trail of ticket stubs.

I am, in theory, trying to demonstrate financial restraint. This has begun to clash, however, with my "Rarely say 'I can see 'em next time' because you may not get another chance" policy (see: Elliott Smith). The shows I might normally ration out over the course of a year are racing toward me in a cluster - and I've been in a ticket-buying frenzy, hardly the picture of fiscal responsibility.

I'm not complaining, per se. Sure, it leaves me writing about music all the time. Indeed, I might want to be putting a little more into my back account, a little less into the venues'. But I'm a fidgety mess when a show comes into town (or, I should say, into New England) and I'm not doing all I can to get to it. I'm supposed to be there.

That said. The Decemberists are slated for Higher Ground in May. The Tuesday after the Ryan Montbleau Band/Rilo Kiley weekend. With Willy Mason, the Paradise LaMontagne opener, scheduled to also appear.

And yes, I will be there.

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