
yeah, baby

status check - alright (cold still present)
background ambiance - tides, "i wait"

although i still have the lingering traces of this damn cold, i'm feeling much better. how can you not be in a good mood when you hear a new band that impresses you? well, it works for me, anyway.

andrew was right about his new band. he told me awhile ago that i would like it - checked out the website today and, sure enough, i am liking what i'm hearing. placed my order for "keep it a secret" and am looking forward to receiving it so i can hear more.

it's nice to have another boston-area band to check out - now they just have to post some shows so i can make a trip down and catch them live (hint, hint). it will be great to be able to follow another local band - while averi's at the top of my list of favorite bands, local or otherwise, it will be nice to be able to spice things up.

so yeah. good call, andreas.

speaking of nice things and groovy people, it's wonderful to look ahead to potential california plans and have someone out there encouraging a victoria visit. while i'm getting over the whole bitterness thing from last weekend, i can't help but compare the two. one obviously not in favor of seeing me at all, the other asking me when i'm going to make a trip.

i know some fantabulous people.

p.s. forgot the link to tides. click on me and buy a cd. merci.

p.p.s. happy july.

p.p.s.s. ok, bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Canada Day to you!
