
odd timing

status check - lethargic
background ambiance - "the fellowship of the ring" - tv

like countless others, i found myself celebrating the birth of the country during yesterday's festivities. sure, the reveling came a day early, but we didn't care. the fireworks were popping, grills were blazing away and i wasn't going to let a little thing like timing bring me down.

i experienced burlington's celebration for the first time, spread out on a blanket with my two flatmates/partners in crime. before the firework display began, we demonstrated the picnic savvy we picked up from last year's festivities in boston, armed with french bread, fruit and cheese and crackers. our neighboring waterfront gatherers must have been as envious as we were from that position a year ago, as we nibbled crackers while they went to stand in line for pizza.

once the display began, we embraced our inner children, oohing and aahing with the best of them (although i should humbily admit that the young boy behind us provided color commentary that would impress anyone). the fireworks were great - felt for the first time in years as if the sparkles would rain down on me. a new, frost-like firework has replaced the weeping willow as my favorite.

the lake was gorgeous when the fireworks were over and people were scurrying away. the boat lights lit up the water and made it appear that there was a small city just beyond the breakwater. we could see another firework display on the shore north of us, and music pulsed through the air.

i've never seen the lake look so festive.

now, however, i note the birth of the nation by relaxing in my flat. my cold, which has come in waves over the past several days, continues to aggravate me, so i'll take it easy today, perhaps get out into the sunshine briefly later.

for now, however, i mustprepare to give this computer an electronic labotomy. it has been overtaken by viruses and, in order to restore it, must bid goodbye to all on it i hold dear. well, almost all of it. some key documents, such as my o'neil journal, resumes and other writing - that's being saved to disk. but all of my music - it'll all need to be refound, much as i can. some of the stuff will be easy - pete, jason and bushwalla music and the like - but i know some will go for good.

a moment, if you will ...

***EDIT: lost all the music, but the computer is again operational. while i work on building my collection, i encourage you to download tristan prettyman's "shy that way" collaboration with mraz. while i've had it for ages, i just redownloaded it and realized what a mesmerizing track it is. it's off tristan's website.

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