
tip to newbie reporters

status check - annoyed
background ambiance - keane, "we might as well be strangers"
cannot stress it enough - always trust your gut instincts.
always always always always always.
had i trusted my insticts, i would have had at least something for the story that needed to be included in tomorrow's paper.  instead, i tried to quiet the nagging in the pit of my stomach and wound up sticking around until midnight, with nothing to show for it other than the fact that the other night owls present knew how pissed off i was.  am, actually.
i just thought i didn't know the right thing to do because i hadn't yet handled a situation like that.  turns out i knew exactly what the right thing to do was and i wound up getting screwed.
i've never doubted my instincts as a reporter before - and i sure as hell won't doubt them again.  i'm a good reporter and i know what to do - even if i am still green.
fuckedy fuck fuck fuck (or should i say cheney-edy cheney cheney cheney?)
in good news, found a new band i'm enjoying.  keane.  kind of a coldplay vibe, only a bit more electronica (but in a good way).  i've heard comparisons to something corporate, which i don't necessarily see - i'd almost go more in the direction of the postal service.  but regardless, good stuff.  check them out.


Anonymous said...

i hope you don't have to work as late tonight, and that the day is going better.

Anonymous said...

Who knows if you check comments here anymore. But why did you say "cheney, edy cheney, cheney, cheney?" That just might be my name, for instance . . .

let me know? goodbirdie222@yahoo.com