
copley! copley!

status check - pleased
background ambiance - scanner

i was delighted today to discover that i have another opportunity to enjoy a howie double-header. while august 5 will require an earlier estimated time of departure, i'm happy to have to drag myself out of bed that much earlier.

howie's playing a free wbos concert series show at copley - 12:30 p.m. start time.

the first dual-day, well, day (that felt odd to write, i can't even imagine how that felt to read - extra points if you deciphered it correctly on the first read-through), beth and i braved a light rain to get to howie's mhz taping in falls church. neat experience, fun set. we then braved a downpour to get back to the metro and head into monsoon-drenched georgetown before drying off and heading to see him open for tori (aka the goddess of everything impish and musicially wonderful) at george mason.

this time, i'm hoping the rain holds off. but i'd like to have a solo howie copley gig - the fbp set is full-band and i'm a member of the anti-band camp. the mhz/gmu day was the last time i saw him solo and i want that type of show back.

but regardless, it'll make for another fun story to share. although i'm sure beth's heartbroken over not being able to see him again - let alone twice in one day again.

i'll just have to send her concert voicemail love from both. bwahaha.


Anonymous said...

I am actually distraught that I will not get to see him twice in one day again (or at least the jeans). It really wasn't nice of you to point out the fact that I will be working while you enjoy a dual-day day.

Victoria said...

i simply wanted to make sure you were aware of the fact that i would dearly my partner in crime from the dual-day days of old. which is why you will feel like you're practically there, hearing hdhdhd over the digital air waves.

unfortunately, you won't get to hear from the jeans, as they are generally the snug, silent type. bastards.

Anonymous said...

if there was some way to bottle that smug silent type or digitally tranmit it...I WOULD!

Victoria said...


i mean, uh ... yeah, that would be pretty cool, wouldn't it?

i have a surprise for you next time i see you - i think it'll be a good step into making up for what you'll be missing. bwahahaha.