
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown

status check - decent
background ambiance - "such great heights" in my head

i'm not one for soundtracks. you go to a movie and think about the incredible assortment of your musical favorites you're enjoying. you pick up the soundtrack and realize half the songs aren't included on the disc because of copyright issues. the good songs are dispersed in a tracklisting featuring instrumentals for the key plot moments that are lovely while you sit in the theater, but not so much when you're trying to rock out or drive in your car.

but then zach braff decides to make a film and provide an accompanying soundtrack with a dazzlingly kickass tracklisting. therefore providing the exception to my anti-soundtrack rule.

"garden state" includes songs from coldplay, the shins, simon & garfunkel and - revelrevel - remy zero. and a version of "such great heights," one of those songs that i rarely listen to, but love when i hear it and think about how i should listen to it more.

another reason i'm looking forward to the movie. august 6 in select cities. and, as luck would have it, i will be in a select city on august 6 and will celebrate a friday vacation day with a mid-day screening - i hope.

"And that's where I was, lost and depressed and thinking: `What's going to be the next chapter of my life? Because I need it to start now.' I felt a lot of people in their 20's could relate to that feeling, praying for an epiphany, praying for some clarity, something that would come along and open their eyes."

exactly. thank you, zach.

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