
caffeine, pronto.

status check - zzzz.


this whole waking up early thing. i don't get it. i'm going on day four of regularly early rising and find myself feeling LESS aclimated to it the more i do it. i had intended to be bright-eyed and ready to rock a parental visit this morning, as my mother would be spending my pre-work hours with me and arriving at the ungodly hour of 8 a.m.

i remember waking up (to guster's "what you wish for" - thought it would be a particularly appropriate wakeup song) around 7:20. i'm next jolting awake at the sound of my mother's knock on my bedroom window.

bright-eyed: no. amusing: so i'm told. such is life.

i now have a snazzy red bike helmet and bike lock necessary for zooming around the area. i've decided to run more, but also bike as frequently as possible. i want to hit up portions of the island line - the causeway in particular. people say you travel down the trail and feel like you're on a boat. i say bring it.

one story written, one more to do. yet my sleepy brain is focusing more on what movie i want to see next: farenheit 9/11, anchorman, shrek 2 or coffee & cigarettes?

p.s. the boston band is returning to hobbit haven in august.

p.p.s. more of my friends need to go on myspace. hint. hint.

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