
the weather and the barren city streets at this late hour...

+ what did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before?: realized the best thing i could do to improve a situation was to walk away.

+ did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next
year?: i don't generally make new year's resolutions since i'm so wretchedly bad at keeping them. i did make one that i did not keep, but i think i made up for it with some mid-year resolutions that i did follow through on and then some.

+ did anyone close to you give birth?: not that i'm aware of ...

+ did anyone close to you die?: someone who once was close to me did. justin (who, by the way, is included in people magazine's tribute to soldiers killed in the line of duy).

+ what places did you visit?: vermont, dc, vermont, dc - over and over again. vegas, albany, northampton, arlington, boston, new hampshire, saratoga. quasi-resolution for 2004: expand horizons more - more traveling. who's game?

+ what would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003?: self-respect.

+ what date from 2003 will remain etched upon your memory?: 1-7-03 and 11-10-03.

+ what was your biggest achievement of the year?: staff writer.

+ what was your biggest failure?: don't go there ...

+ did you suffer illness or injury?: yes.

+ what was the best thing you bought?: an apartment (well, ok, didn't buy it, but you know what i mean). or the numerous tickets for amazing concerts.

+ whose behavior merited celebration?: ??? me, i guess?

+ whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?: at different points: mine, old friends and john mayer.

+ where did most of your money go?: music, artwork and old navy.

+ what did you get really, really, really excited about?: the anticipation of seeing mraz in concert for the first time (repeat seven or eight times, as i was always prevented), then seeing mraz in concert in october. friends visiting my lil spot in dc. roaming the national mall. cherry blossoms. howie day live. tori amos live. averi live. feeling safe.

+ what song[s] will always remind you of 2003?: mraz - 0% interest and the remedy. howie day - sunday morning song (live). counting crows - long december.

+ compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? happier and sadder at the same time.
ii. thinner or fatter? --
iii. richer or poorer? poorer. much. but happier about it.

+ what do you wish you'd done more of: not put my smiley face on all the time around people and not taken far more than my fair share of bullshit.

+ what do you wish you'd done less of?: see above. try to figure out why everything happens.

+ how will you be spending the holidays?: going to southern vermont tomorrow evening for a couple of hours, then heading to massachusetts. spending christmas at my grandmother's, stopping by t's apartment so we can pick up my loveseat, then eventually bringing it up to my apartment. blowing kisses to boston and singing along with the radio. i think i'm back late friday.

+ how will you be spending new years?: up until midnight, i'll be trapsing around burlington, covering first night. at and after midnight is still up in the air. hopefully with friends and feeling the love.

+ did you fall in love in 2003?: in the strictest of senses, no. but i added several people to my list of loved ones.

+ how many one night stands?: good god, far too many to count. lost track by march.

+ what was your favorite TV program?: reality television claims another victim. and the west wing, obviously.

+ do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?: not "hate," per se ... i'm a lover not a hater.

+ do you like anyone now that you hated this time last year?: nope.

+ what was the best book you read?: the da vinci code.

+ what was your greatest musical discovery?: mraz. damien rice. ryan adams. bleu. maroon 5.

+ what did you want and get?: dc friends.

+ what did you want and not get?: too much.

+ what was your favorite film of this year?: many of you would expect me to say "lotr." it's up there, but so is "bend it like beckham."

+ what did you do on your birthday?: worked, went to burlington to fill out job stuff. bought myself presents because i could, finished the night with shenandoah shakespeare, catching up with college friends and a content drive home.

+ what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?: a full-time job. and the peace of knowing everything i went through was for a reason.

+ how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2003?: it matured. i learned to love dressier clothes.

+ what kept you sane?: music, certain friends, writing, theater.

+ which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?: i fancy mraz.

+ what political issue stirred you the most?: iraq.

+ who did you miss?: friends back in vermont. paul, chloe, kevin.

+ who was the best new person you met?: paul!

+ tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003: don't always look ahead. you miss what you have at present.

+ quote a song lyric that sums up your year: "it's when you cry just a little, but you laugh in the middle, that you've made it."

a lovely end to a lovely year of journaling. thank you, jason.
1/23/04 - gavin degraw, michael tolcher and virginia coalition at uvm
1/30/04 - melissa ferrick at higher ground
2/5/04 - matt nathanson at higher ground
2/11/04 - o.a.r at memorial auditorium
2/27/04 - bright eyes and others at higher ground
3/20/04 - jon stewart at the orpheum
4/17/04 - damien rice at avalon

finally, from one year ago:

december 23, 2002
twas the day before the night before christmas
and all through the office
the people were fleeing
save this congressional novice

finishing up her last day
taking calls like she should
vickie realized she'd be home
in just a few hours, yes, she would

this morning she packed up her suitcase
squeezed in her presents with care
with the hope that when she arrived in albany
her bags would also be there

the senator offered her wishes
of holiday cheer
and she sent them right back to him
the lovely old dear

who had given her two weeks
to relax and to play
and enjoy some time in new england
without docking her pay

so now she just waits
for the office to close
then to grab all her luggage
and head to the airport to doze

for a couple of hours
til her airplane arrives
and she looks for a window seat
and the plane takes off and it flies

to albany airport
where she'll see her fam
then hop in the car
get home and BAM!

it'll be christmas as normal
with her family about
just know that she wants to
jump around, scream and shout

"merry christmas to you!
for it's time for great joy
holiday wishes to all of you,
blog readers, each girl and each boy.

may your holidays be lovely
may you want for naught.
and may you realize
all the blessings you've got."

so with that thought she prepares
for her journey away
and cannot wait to see you
in the upcoming days!