
clarifaction and other quick rambles.

i would like to be very clear one something of extreme importance. it has come to my attention that at least one of the 3,340,294 - er, i meant three - of you who follow my little attempts at english was confused by my apparent issues with "spiderman 2." i would like to state for the record that "spiderman 2" would be a lovely title. lacking creativity, blut lovely. my issue was the fact that the movie was titled "2." just the number. no spiderman, no nothing. just 2. "2"=ego not even a buff tobey will warrant.

few quick lines of gibberish before i head to bed for a short winter's nap. burlington received another snowstorm last night. maybe a little less than eight inches. while i watched a movie ("two weeks notice" - cute and fluffy and i still love hugh grant) and dozed, the snow fell from the sky, rapidly descening in what seemed like flakes the size of cotton balls. i was further boggled by the fact that i saw and heard a lightning/thunder combo. in december. in the middle of a snowstorm. it was a first for me. that, combined with my dozy state, let to a thoroughly out of it me when the phone rang shortly thereafter ...

but that's not the task at hand. i need mailing adresses (addresses? i'm 23 years old and i still, for whatever reason, can't spell that word to save my life). christmas has snuck up on me so quickly that i have just started my turning-over-a-new-leaf project of writing holiday cards. i'd like to be able to send them. email me at hotmail with the addy so i can send you holiday love. you might get them a little late (well, ok, you will), but just think - it's my way of making sure the post-holiday blues are brightened.

alright, time for bed. it's been a laborously annoying day and i want it to end. but, in good news, at least i was able to paint. which means part 2 of the 2003 "my family will freak when they see their gifts" present-finding process is complete.

and then i need to finish up a few others ... why do i procrastinate EVERY YEAR?!?!?!

p.s. my left fingers are nice and sore (in the good way) because someone found a half hour to play guitar today ...

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