
give and take

keep it short. stretch it out a bit. keep it simple. give it more context. just sum up what was said. add some other voices.

it's a constant dance i'm engaged in - give a little, take some back, keep on my toes, ready to roll with the next set of notes waiting for me in the copy.

i was a little rusty for a bit, but i'm starting to ease back in and recall some of my dance steps. i don't quite look as if i have two left feet anymore ... but how i long to just feel the rhythm again and move with grace, rather than count out the time in my head.

keeping time, metro-style, but at least i'm moving along with some flair when i'm writing my column ...

ah ... column ...

ok, dance analogy has been beaten to within an inch of it's life, so i'll end that one. it's my way of saying that nothing is easy, especially not my job, but i'm loving the challenges, no matter how frustrating they may be.

new tori album. well, new tori album of mostly old tori music. but i'm still incredibly psyched.

dah dah dah ...

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