
as promised ...

linking love to the new song. i can't find mp3 action for either the hall & oates cover or the mraz/tristan "shy that way" duet, but at least i can provide this ... i think it's gorgeous.

hmm. in other news. need to bust out one of the ol' suits for tomorrow morning, as i'm heading into work to finish up some things plus have my formal interview ... good times to be had, i'm sure ...

riiiiight. yes, this is an extremely nervous victoria.

and in other news, there are always people in your life that are supposed to stay in your past once you're well ... in a new present. you're not supposed to see them at any point, let alone in a completely different place than the two of you knew each other. i found the quasi-run-in (really more like a mutual sighting than anything else) hilarious yet unnerving at the same time. i don't want to be reminded of that foolish period of time - ever. is that so wrong of me?

i guess i'll just laugh about it instead.

and twice in the past two days, i have seen a colin farrell CLONE walking around church street. definitely delightful eye candy ... and i cannot believe how much resemblance he bears to c.f. is there a movie shooting in the area that i just don't know about?

and in a whole different kind of other news ... what can i say? i'm giving myself this one little day to delusionally think i'm somehow connected to it. rational thought will resume tomorrow. tee hee.

and finally (well, i lie. next to finally) - READ THE DA VINCI CODE. i finished it last night and absolutely adored it. if i ever wrote fan letters, dan brown would get one. but i don't, so he won't.

ok, really finally ... oh wait. i forgot what my real finally was. hmm ... rational thought ... nope, i flatout lost my train of thought. whoops.

eh, if it's important enough, it'll wait til tomorrow.

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