
phone conversation a few minutes ago:

me: i figured out what i'm going to do with the next year of my life.
dad: great, what?
me: i'm going to audition for shenandoah shakespeare.
dad: that's wonderful!!!
mom (in background): what?
dad: she's going to audition for the shakespeare thing.
mom: do they pay well?
dad: do they pay well?
me: it's an acting thing. actors never make money.
dad (to mom): she's going to make lots of money. (to me) that's great! that would be fun!
me: you actually think i should audition?
dad: why not? have fun with it!

only my parents would be incredibly enthusiastic about me auditioning for shenandoah. now i have to seriously consider it. obviously i wouldn't get a part, but how fun would it be to say i auditioned???

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