
a ridiculously violent thunderstorm hit while i was at work tonight, eventually becoming just a wall of water falling down. i love the rain, always have, always will, and whenever it is raining, i want to be outside in it. so imagine me, looking out forlornly at the falling water, wanting to play.

finally, i decided to screw looking managerial. i told andrea what i was doing, and then cj and i ran around the store like little kids, shrieking and laughing the entire time. everyone else looked at us like we were insane, but it was wonderful. we then calmly walked back into the store, our sneakers squeaking against the tile floor, hair drenched, huge smiles on our faces.

it was wonderful.

and i only have one more shift.

yet another live dave album is being released, according to the big blue house...i think it's great that live albums are released--much as i love a dmb studio album, it's nothing like live stuff--but i have to agree that i find the selection of the particular show to be odd. why not something newer, with some of the "sessions" stuff on there? i don't really get it...

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