
*insert useless tirade about how if you have a road journal, you should update the damn road journal. also insert chuckling about other road journal.*

i'm exhausted. work today pretty much blew, mainly because of the fact that i was exhausted and my shift involved mornings. highlight was a stop in by the new jersey cardinals. however, after they left, i needed to inform jason of the two essential rules:

1) if bus full of attractive, athletic men my age come into store and i am on break, call me up immediately so i can serve them.
2) if bus full of attractive, athletic men my age are sitting in lobby eating, find a way to get me out into the lobby. i don't care what type of strings must be pulled, make it happen.

they were heading up to burlington to play the expos. this means that there is a chance of them coming back within the next day or so. here's hoping...

tonight consists of heading into town to get some school necessities and of sleep.

random note: last night i had a dream that left me both upset and very at peace (contradiction in terms, i know, but go with it). all i know is that andrew and bethany from high school were in it, i was (according to my dream rationale) in high school, but people from smc were there and we wound up talking about lexi and everyone knew who i was talking about.

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