
i leave for my adventures out west a week from tomorrow.

heehee...i can't wait.

i'm really looking forward to the coming weeks. two weeks out west, including five days and four nights in vegas. i come back just in time to travel to quincy for michelle's graduation party. then a couple weeks spent working followed by averi in boston, then followed by the o'neill. then dmb at spac (i hope--who's with me???? let me know...it's the only dave show i can go to this summer). then, maybe, hopefully a job???

it should all be fine holiday fun. unfortunately it means i have little time to do that whole money-making thing, but hey, it's the summer after graduation from college. it's supposed to be fun.

my mother is officially a horrible influence on me. i've been incredibly good for the past couple weeks, conserving money and whatnot. today i blew more money than i have since i've been back. granted, it went towards great causes--a gorgeous dress for the vssa luncheon on sunday and a much-needed pair of sunglasses--but there i was, trying to be smart and rational while my mother was practically dragging me to the atm to take out my money to buy the items. it was hilarious...i figure that i got overtime last week and this week's check will be huge (relatively speaking, obviously), so i might as well treat myself to something nice that 1) i need (for the luncheon) and 2) could be considered an investment (i'll be able to wear this forever--very classic).

but i still hold her responsible if i don't save a lot of money this summer!

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