
so my father and i went on our adventure--leaving work to drive directly to wonderland, where we hopped on the t and went to fenway. watched the game, then hopped back on the t to wonderland, sleeping at my grandmother's, waking up way too blasted early, and driving back to work.

it was fantastic. it was nice to be able to have some alone time with my dad--much of the time when i would call home, i'd wind up talking to my mother, so to be able to completely catch up with him was very nice (although, in my permanent-sap mode, i was almost in tears a couple of times). my relationship with my parents is evolving rather quickly--or at least it feels that way--and i have these random moments where i realize that we never would have had coversations like the ones we have now. my father even commented on it at one point and said that it was neat. i agree, it is--but in a bittersweet sort of way (cue ben folds: "everybody knows it hurts to grow up...and everybody does, it's so weird to be back here).

fenway. ah, beautiful, lovely fenway. the last time i'd been to a sox game was a couple years back, the game that pedro pitched and the sox had an absolutely tremendous first inning, batting around and whatnot. nomar finished the game with two homers, all that jazz. must have been two years ago? not sure. anyway...it was great to be back. our seats were sweet--about fifteen rows back from the visitor dugout, so great view of everything and we were on nomar's side of the field (for those completely victoria-inept, nomar is my favorite--but i liked him before everyone else did too!!!!).

a bad first inning put them behind, a lackluster rest of the game kept them behind. it was the first game i'd ever been to where the red sox lost (perhaps my not being a student anymore jinxed me and the team. hmm...). but there were still good points. it was a gorgeous night, some of the defensive plays were brilliant (in one inning, nomar made an amazing extending leap to catch a line drive, then finished the inning shortly after with a tight doubleplay that resulted in a standing ovation), i have a new vice-favorite player (shea i-really-can't-spell-his-last-name-but-it-begins-with-an-h, who plays third base--he's someone i'm going to be rooting for in the years to come), and how can a person not have a good time at fenway???

it doesn't matter how old i am, i feel giddy when i go to a game there. walking in and seeing the hordes of people in their jerseys and hats, little kids holding mitts that are way too bid and black sharpies for autographs. making those first steps out of the concession area and into the seats, seeing the lights and the green everywhere gets me every time. yelling to the players fully aware of the fact that they can't hear a damn word i'm saying, but i just need to say it anyway.

more a little later, have to look at photos i just got back!

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