
p.s. vanity kills

status check - laughing
background ambiance - same

stepped outside for a moment to enjoy the lovely fall day and was walking down a side street. i've been feeling snazzy all day, as i went shopping this weekend and am sporting a new outfit that i'm quite fond of. but as i was walking, i had one moment where i realized, "hey, know what? i look good today."

straight out of a romantic comedy or something, just after the thought passes through my mind, my shoe hits a crack in the pavement and i fall to the ground - in the least graceful possible manner. arms flying, small shriek and thud included.

i limped my way back to the office, snazzy outfit no worse for the wear - but my ego bruised even more than my knee.

i never get hurt when i'm being self-depricating - i must remember that.


Victoria said...

oh yeah, i'm sure i was looking every bit the part of a sexy bitch, all sprawled out like that. it's hard to be that sexy all the time - i have to try to mix things up and test myself.

how about i talk to you tomorrow (well, by the time you get this, it'll likely be today, for which i apologize)? i have to try to track down a paul this evening to discuss the coming weekend!

Anonymous said...

I'm just gonna post this bit of excitement right here, where everyone (all two of you) that I know in VT can share in my extreme joy of the weekend to come. Bring it on!
It's official. One happy Washingtonian will be arriving at BTV at approximately 1:53PM ET on Friday Sept. 17 via United flight 8042!!!
I can not wait to see you!!!!!

Victoria said...


that's really the best way to say it - i just can't wait to see you. it will be a fabulous weekend!

Anonymous said...

Paul, Let the games begin! I am so excited to see my 'boyfriend' again (although you didn't save me from the scary guy at the bar in DC). This news has brighten my day, after a headache kind of day. :) Becca